oh me. . oh my. .

I’m a Momma.. Mom and I’m me. I love my family,life,the beach and Jesus.

Why I teach.. July 11, 2007

Filed under: preschool shtuff — chrissijo @ 2:36 am

I’m a preschool teacher and I must truly confess. I love it. I truly love watching children learn.

This summer I’m leading out in the summer Kindergarten Readiness Program, giving those kiddo’s that are getting ready to leave for Kinder an extra boost. I’m looking forward to a new school year and I’m REALLY looking forward to a new bunch of kids! Really. Looking. Forward.

We recently obtained a class pet – a fish that was promptly named Finley Fishstick . One of my little boys is so inquisitive, he couldn’t fathom that this little fish of ours was going to be happy in a fishbowl! I caught him trying to get the fish out of the bowl so he could take him to the beach and let him free. How adorable is that.. He started chanting ” free Finley, Free Finley”.. Goodness – perhaps tomorrow he’ll organize a rally? 😉



It’s all for me.. me me me! July 10, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — chrissijo @ 2:15 am

I have another blog. It’s a family blog. A blog that my WHOLE family and my hubby’s family reads, daily. I felt like I needed my space. I have nothing to hide at all, I just wanted to be able to express myself without having to worry if I’m stepping on others feet, yanno?

I’ve “met” another Momma who’s little Elijah is in Heaven too. It’s amazing how this world wide web can bring people together. Perhaps a new friendship will come from this?

Okay – well, I’ll go around and comment so this blog can be known!
